Thursday, October 15, 2009

Trip home

Dear Family,
I had a good trip to Managua and got everything planned accomplished.
On Monday when I arrived I went to government offices dealing with customs for the airplane, it all looks fine. Then I went to the bank and paid for another inspection for our 3 runways and spent time at the airplane permission place scheduling it, that will happen mid-November. I was also able to get some steel for a rack for our truck, which we have needed for a long time, so we can carry lumber and building supplies on it. Gerson will bring it on the bus when he comes in December. He will be helping us with some mobile clinics while on his vacation from medical school in December and January.
The plane was really full coming back. I had 522 lbs. 500 is full, but I took the back seat out before I left, so I had 22 lbs more. I had it packed past the windows right to the top of the roof all the way back from the seats. I got all 8 bags we brought from America plus some other smaller items I bought in Managua. I had Brandel (47 lbs) with me because we got him retainers at the dentist. He has a cute little pilot shirt (thanks Mom!) that he loves and everyone at the airports comment on often about the "little pilot". He charmed my way along nicely through the government bureaucracy and checkpoints.
Today we're off to Waspam for the first time since we have returned. I have a little battery charger to install on our 2-meter radio there. We will also meet with the hospital and see if there are any ladies with new babies that need taken to San Carlos. I need to go check the runway there to have them get it ready for the inspection, and I want to make the trip worth while. Greg, the guy in charge of Francia, is coming in on the noon flight into Waspam. He is helping us get Internet set up. I'll be climbing the tower and putting up some new antenna's we brought, then we drive 1 hour away deep into the bush on a hill where we are trying to see if we can build a repeater to direct the signal to both us and Francia.
Always keeping busy! Sure is nice to have a slow relaxed lifestyle here . . . hasn't happened yet for the last couple years.

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