Saturday, April 08, 2006

Change of address

Dear Family,
Please start using our new email address.
We will be moving in a few days and want to start getting everyone switched over to our new email before we leave.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Weekly letter

March 25, 2006
Dear Family,
It has been a very long time since I wrote you all together. We have had an extremely busy month. First was our trip to Costa Rica to renew our visas with Grandma and Grandpa in February. It was very fun and enjoyable. Grandma fell a couple of times which worried us but I made her see a doctor friend of our in Managua which reassured us. When was the last time you spent less than $20 for a doctor's visit?
We returned home with a truck load of people on March 3. The next two weeks were totally taken up with nursing and construction groups. Clint was not able to come home on Friday after taking the group to Puerto but got home safely on Sunday.
Monday morning we left for a 3 day stay at Tronquera. We returned the next morning for the rest of the week, after checking spending a night at home in Francia and making sure the mission here is operating smoothly. We got a good 5 days of work done. We currently have the floor and framing for a small piece of our house. It is only 10 ½ x 19 feet. We will live in that working on the rest of the house a little at a time.
Because of other responsibilities, etc. We won't be moving until closer to the middle of April.
Good new is that Clint is supposed to pick up his resident visa in Managua on April 7. We are very excited. Getting our resident visas is a big step that is also very expensive. We will work on Visas for the rest of us as we have the money.
We have decided on a name for our new mission: "Wings over Nicaragua Mission" (WON). In Spanish: "Mision Alas Sobres Nicaragua" (MASN). In Miskito: "Nawa Nicaraguara Purara" (NNP). We are excited to have a name finally. We are going to be posting our Mission plan and statement on our web site so check back in a couple weeks to see if it is posted yet at
Brandel and Bethany are having a hard time adjusting to all the trips, visitors and new locations. They enjoy Tronquera but don't understand why we keep going back and forth.
More later,
Marilyn, Clint, Brandel and Bethany