Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hi guys.
Clint was in Managua this week and had lots of time on the internet. He
uploaded quite a few pictures.
Check them out at and click on photos.

Wings Over Nicaragua / Tronquera Mission
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Nicaragua, Central America

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Nicaragua Newsletter August - Family

August 4, 2007
Dear Friends and Family,
The Lord has blessed us greatly since our return to Nicaragua the middle of May. We made the trip safely with no problems back to our home in Tronquera.
For a quick review, we have been in America for the last year due to Clint's father's illness and subsequent death.

Clint has started working regularly on the runway. After only a week there was a significant improvement. After 3 weeks it is close to being ready for a government inspection.

We have applied to the local authorities for permission for a pharmacy. It is quite a complicated procedure, but we will keep working on it each time we go to town.

Work program
We regularly employ people for our work program. Many people come asking for food or money, and instead of passing out free food and money, we give them work. This is working quite well for everyone.
Recently there has been a shortage of beans here, one of their staple foods which we use for the work program. Clint traveled to the village of Polo to find beans. It is way off the beaten track deep in the jungle. There are no roads going there. You have to walk the last several hours. There was deep mud and many creeks to cross. It was a very interesting trip, even though it was quite exhausting. Clint says he has never been through such harsh conditions for so long. The people back there were
not use to seeing strangers, especially white ones. They were all quite friendly. There were a lot of huge old growth jungle trees towering over everything else. Unfortunately they did not have the beans we needed. We have had to buy them at a significantly higher cost in Puerto Cabazes, 5 hours away.

Our motorcycle is a big help. Since it is our only transport, we use it extensively. Clint takes it to Port every few weeks to buy supplies. He gather the supplies together and put them on the bus, then we meet the bus where it goes by a mile from our house and retrieve our groceries, building supplies, and anything else we need for that month. Most of the stuff makes it OK.

We recently dedicated a new church here in our little village of Tronquera, its first Seventh-day Adventist church. The 3 to 5 members (not including us) in town are overjoyed to have their own church building. It still needs windows, paint inside and out, and some cement repair, but that will come with time. The building was already here, built in the 1970's of cement block. Since it was abandoned in the late '70's the cattle and horses have been sleeping in it at night. We cleaned it and put doors
on it. We have benches to sit on for the church service. Because of the lack of a pastor, lay pastor or elder, we usually show a Spanish DVD sermon on our computer. We only have about 10 of these, so please keep your eyes open for some good Spanish sermons on DVD. You can see the pictures with the village people gathered at the church for its first Sabbath on our web site.

Water System
We still don't have running water or a septic system in our house, but have been working on other items first. Now we are getting a used steel tank that we will store rain water for drinking. It is big enough to store what we need to last the dry season. We already have a pump waiting to be used. Now we are only lacking the pipes we need to transport the water, both into the tank and into the house.

Future Plans
This month we plan to finish the runway and request the government inspection. We also plan to do some more work on the church. We hope to work on building a 5-10 foot tower to put our new tank high enough to gravity feed water to our house. We are continuing our work program employing several village people each day. We are also working on permission for the pharmacy.

Our web page is updated frequently with new pictures and short stories or items of interest on our blog page.
Thank you for your support and prayers.
God Bless,
Clint and Marilyn Hanley

Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
Nicaragua, Central America

Donation information:
Goldendale SDA Church
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 71
Goldendale, WA 98620
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