Saturday, September 01, 2007

Trip up the Rio Coco

Hello to all.
I wanted to write you about the exciting week we have had.
Last Sabbath we had visitors!! Doesn't happen often in this part of the world. Our friends from Francis Sirpi, Mike and Diana Halverson, are in Nicaragua doing some work and stopped to visit us on Sabbath afternoon. We really enjoyed their visit. They had some people visiting them, Jack and Lyn Hall with their daughter, Reanan. Reanan is only 5 so the kids hit it off just right.
Sunday morning we went to Francis Sirpi to visit Mike and Diana and help with some radio email problems they were having. That was also a really nice day.
Tuesday, Mike and Diana were going to Waspam so I hitched a ride with the children. It gave the children a chance to play more with their new friend and talk to all the family in Waspam on the phone. We met up with Lyn's father and stepmother who flew in on the plane. They were all planning a trip up the Rio Coco river. They invited our whole family to come along. Well this presented a little bit of a problem since I was in Waspam with the kids and Clint was at home. I wrote to Clint asking
but of course did not receive a reply in the following 5 minutes. To make a long story shorter, we all spent the night in Waspam and left at 6 am the next morning on the river.
It was a perfect day with cloud cover and hardly any rain. In the late afternoon as we were getting back to Waspam it rained really hard. We all had rain coats so we faired really well. The rain stopped as we got to the dock so we left our borrowed rain coats in the boat and got in the truck for the 5 minute ride home. Well it rained again, really hard. The kids were still wearing their coats since we brought theirs instead of borrowing them. They didn't get wet. Clint wore his rain coat so
he only got a little wet while walking, but I lent my jacket to Jack who was walking with Clint. I got completely soaked in the downpour. Up to this point, I had managed to keep my only pair of tennis shoes dry but now that was history.
We had a lot of fun on the river and saw a lot of places that have extreme needs. It magnified our desire to get an airplane as quickly as possible to start reaching the people even further up the river. Please keep these people and our mission in your prayers.
We were able to get home Thursday morning on the bus with no problems.
Thank you to all the family who called us while we were in town.
Lots of love

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I was reading your blog and am just checking in with you and your family. Hurrican Felix hit your area this morning and I want to know how we can help you here in Miami, Fl. What do you all need? and how can I get it to you? We are here to help. God Bless you.
    Leni Weber
