Last night we got a message from Lapan that they had a lady in labor with twins - and she was having trouble. It was too late to fly, so I left before sunrise this morning. I was in Lapan just after daybreak. It took the people awhile to haul the lady the normally 1/2 hour walk from the village through knee deep mud. Guys hauled her in a hammock. It turns out there was another lady too, so I took 2. The runway was a bit better than yesterday, it wasn't too hard taking off. It did cover the plane in black mud, but the majority of it was from the front of the doors back. I put a nice little mud flap on the front tire, it seems to help quite a bit.
I delivered the ladies to the airport in Puerto Cabezas, but the hospital would not answer their phone, so I put them in a taxi (it is only about 5 minutes) to the hospital. I paid their fare and they looked happy. One kept holding her belly with the twins, the younger one didn't appear to be in labor, but she looked scared. Imagine at such a young age (mid-teen) getting whisked off to a big city where you may never have even been before and getting put into a hospital of strangers for your first baby. Her family should be along later today or sometime tomorrow.
I filled my gas again in Port and was home for breakfast at 9:30. I have now been painting a backdrop for our projector on the cement in the front of our church. I filled in a window and now have a nice flat spot so we don't have to use a sheet blowing around in the wind every Sabbath.
We have started listening to Christmas music last night and are putting up Christmas lights on our porch today. The kids are excited!
The pictures from this morning are on Picasa right now.
Happy Sabbath,
Wings Over Nicaragua
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Wings Over Nicaragua
Clint and Marilyn Hanley