Tuesday, August 11, 2009

update from Nicaragua for family

fn:Clint and Marilyn Hanley
n:Hanley;Clint and Marilyn
org:Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
note;quoted-printable:Missionaries in Nicaragua, Central America - =
Reaching the Miskito Indians through Aviation and Medical

July 30, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

I hiked to a new runway, it was quite an trip, the most interesting since I have been here in Nicaragua. You can find the story on our web page at: www.wingsovernicaragua.org/kukalaya.html

That story will be our newsletter for the month. There are also new pictures on Picasa, reached from our home page.

We will be attending ASI, a Seventh-day Adventist meeting, in Phoenix August 5-8. I will then go to Montana while my wife visits grandparents in Goldendale, WA. We will be in America until September 30 and really look forward to seeing many of you. We are excited to share with churches and individuals how the Lord is leading down here, it is truly amazing. I am sure it will be an encouragement to you. If your church is interested in us sharing, please let us know soon. Most of our time will be spent in Montana where we will be working to pay for the trip.


In Christ's service,
Clint and Marilyn Hanley





Tax deductible Donation information:

Wings Over Nicaragua Mission

185 Harris Rd

Goldendale, WA 98620

We also welcome Visa, MC and Paypal online at www.wingsovernicaragua.org


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