fn:Clint and Marilyn Hanley
n:Hanley;Clint and Marilyn
org:Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
note;quoted-printable:Missionaries in Nicaragua, Central America - =
Reaching the Miskito Indians through Aviation and Medical
July 30, 2009
Dear Family and Friends,
I hiked to a new runway, it was quite an trip, the most interesting since I have been here in Nicaragua. You can find the story on our web page at: www.wingsovernicaragua.org/kukalaya.html
That story will be our newsletter for the month. There are also new pictures on Picasa, reached from our home page.
In Christ's service,
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tax deductible Donation information:
Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
185 Harris Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620
We also welcome Visa, MC and Paypal online at www.wingsovernicaragua.org
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