Dear Family and Friends,
This month we have been quite busy and accomplished a lot. The Lord is blessing our work tremendously and allowing us to be a help to the Miskito Indians here in NE Nicaragua.
January was very busy with the airplane's annual, a doctor's visit to Lapan, and Rob's evangelism seminar. We looked forward to a restful February, but it seems we are becoming busier!
I took a local dentist and a student in the IRR program (International Rescue and Relief out of Union College in Lincoln, NE) to Lapan, the poorest village we service. The dentist pulled teeth out of 30 people. Many of them had several teeth extracted. They were all quite happy to have the dentist. We had to turn away a few, but covered almost everyone. We scheduled the date of March 25 to take the dentist back.
We also made a list of 78 people that needed medical attention for the next day. We then returned to Lapan with the IRR medical team. They sent a doctor, nurse practitioner, and a student. It was a full load for my plane. They saw all the people on the list. The village of Lapan had a local nurse but she had been gone for the last 2 months. They were thankful to receive medical care.
I also flew fellow missionary, Mike Halverson, into San Carlos and back out after a few days. He is working on a clinic/church building in the nearby village of Krin Krin. From San Carlos I flew a teen girl who was in labor with her first baby. There were complications.
During this month, I also flew over a village called Raiti (means graveyard in Miskito) and checked it. This is the most remote village in Nicaragua that I have seen. It is a 15 minute flight past San Carlos (55 minutes from here) on the Rio Coco river, but it is 2 full days on the river. The river has many waterfalls and rapids that must be portaged around, impossible for sick people. Since January 1st this year, 7 people have died in Raiti that could have benefited from evacuation and advanced
medical care. The villagers, very excited at seeing Clint fly over their village, immediately started clearing the necessary ground for a new runway. However, without much experience or help, they soon got discouraged. The Baptist mission was doing a project in the area and saw the need. They are helping the villagers with some hand tools, a little rice and beans, and logistical support. An engineer in their visiting group will return to Raiti in April to help them get the correct engineering
for the runway. This area of Nicaragua is more in need of a runway than any place I have ever seen in this country. They are surrounded by deep jungle, and hills.
This month Clint built our long awaited large water tower for our house. It will provide running water along with a bathroom. Marilyn is very thankful for the 1200 gallon tank and Clint was challenged to build the complicated tower according to the engineered plans.
Please keep Bob Norton and his family in our prayers. He is a fellow American Seventh-day Adventist mission pilot working Venezuela. He crashed 3 weeks ago and has not been found. There is always a risk involved in this line of work, and our little family requests your prayers as we do our best to help our fellow people in this world.
Our pray for you this month is that Jesus will be more real to each of you every day.
Our web site has new pictures.
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
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Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
185 Harris Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620
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