In May of 2004 the Hanley family of four accepted a call to work with the Miskito people of the NE corner of Nicaragua. They have their own mission in La Tronquera, Wings Over Nicaragua Mission. Marilyn and Clint have two small children, Brandel and Bethany. Follow their mission as they serve the Lord and the people of Nicaragua.
Friday, February 13, 2009
We just uploaded a whole bunch of pictures including some new ones in
our family folder.
Kat, there are some for your women's ministries school bags in a folder
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Nicaragua Newsletter --- Evangelism
Dear Family and Friends,
We had an excellent Christmas here in Nicaragua, and trust you all also had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The first week in January, Wings of Hope out of St. Louis, MO, sent down an airplane mechanic, Steve, for our airplane's annual. Each year the airplane needs checked. The mechanic took 4 days and went over every part in great detail from the prop to the tail. There were a few minor things that needed fixed, but nothing major. The engine checked out just fine, and the airframe is holding up to the weather outside as well as can be expected. Wings of Hope also sent down some windsocks, plane parts,
an airplane radio, and a stretcher. We are happy they are partners with us to help reach the Miskito Indians here with our aviation program.
I took the mechanic back to Puerto Cabezas, and 4 days later, flew back to Puerto to pick up Dr Randy Sumner who came to visit us from Georgia. He is a frequent visitor to Costa Rica, but had never been to our side of Nicaragua. We flew him to Lapan, our newest runway, and he and Marilyn did a mobile clinic, where we saw about 50 people. The village of 1850 people has had no nurse or doctor since mid-December when the only nurse left on vacation not to return until the end of January.
Since our last newsletter, I have transported three sick people out of San Carlos, and 2 out of Lapan. The government hospital has lent us a radio to use which puts us in direct communication with the hospital.
On January 22, Marilyn's sister came with her husband and 2 kids to visit. It is the first time anyone from her family has been to this side of Nicaragua. I flew to Managua to pick up their luggage, saving several hundred dollars in transportation costs. Since it was their first time to Nicaragua, they were happy I was able to meet them and guide them around. Customs never checked their luggage, they had an easy trip. The next day I put them on La Costenia, the local airlines, and I flew with one
of their sons back to Tronquera. Marilyn met the rest of them in Puerto Cabezas and brought them home in the truck. We were most thrilled to get items that had been shipped from many people all over America. In the 350 lbs of luggage they brought for us, there were many crucial items to continue our work here - a new laptop computer, radio antenna, inverter, airplane parts, and PA system, just to mention a few things. They also brought evangelism materials for their seminars, roofing screws for our
house and churches, and educational materials for village school kids. It has been a big help to us, and the items will continue benefiting the communities for a long time. We want to especially thank each person who had a part in getting all the items for them to bring down.
In February we plan to take a local dentist to Lapan to pull teeth, there is no dentist there. When we did the mobile clinic, there were several patients noted by the doctor that were in need of a dentist. A portable dental setup that can be flown to remote locations would be advantageous for these communities, but without this, we can still offer extraction, which does give the patients permanent relief from tooth pain.
We just finished our 4 day Share Him seminar that Rob Liss (Marilyn's sister's husband) presented. He had a tremendous turnout. We had over 150 people that we cooked for each day and also sleeping arrangements for everyone. The Moravian church was very kind and lent us their church for the meetings. It is the largest building in the village.
After the meetings, we distributed 5 of 10 bicycles to the mission lay pastors. Willis (in Tennessee) has enthusiastically involved the churches in his area in fundraising for this project, and it was an excellent success. Some of these lay pastors cover 10 churches over a 20 mile area, so a bicycle is a wonderful tool. We had 4 baptisms resulting from the meetings, everyone was quite happy.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. It is because of your help we are able to be in Nicaragua helping the people.
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tax deductible Donation information:
Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
185 Harris Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620
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Wings Over Nicaragua Mission in Tronquera
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tronquera, Nicaragua, Central America