Dear Family and Friends,
Hello again. Another new month has rolled around. We find ourselves still in Nicaragua.
We would like to ask you to please pray for us on a special issue. This month we would like to pray that the Lord will send us a helper Missionary. We need a person who is interested in Child and Youth Ministries. A person with enough energy, to match the young people, for Pathfinder activities. A person with a desire to create a Sabbath School that children love to attend. A person who has an overwhelming love for the Lord and a desire to do his will no matter what, even if that means living
in the jungles of Nicaragua. Please pray that the Lord will send us His person he has already selected for this special task. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested.
After we were done at the internet café in Waspam on Friday one week, a man from the hospital came to find us. He said they had a patient that needed transport to Puerto. It sounded like she had a very serious blood toxicity, though it is unclear exactly what was causing it. So we rushed off in the truck to drive home (45 minutes). Then Clint got the plane out and flew back to Waspam (8 minutes). Well, when he got to Waspam the doctors came to meet the plane. They had the patient all ready for
transport, with permission and everything, until the family showed up. They didn't want her taken to Puerto so they took her out AMA (against medical advice) to go see a witchdoctor. The doctors strongly warned the family that if they left, the woman would probably die. The next week we found out the lady had died shortly after her departure from the hospital.
After flying home from Waspam (with no transport), Clint got the plane tied down. We were just getting ready to sit down for supper, when two men arrived at our gate. They had a letter from a lay pastor in Tasba Pain, another village about 1 hour drive away. There was an elderly woman who was gravely ill and needed transport to the hospital in Waspam. Tasba Pain is actually within Tasba Raya area but they had come to us because the missionaries in Francis Sirpi right now don't have a regular truck
for transportation. To get to Tasba Pain meant that we had to drive 45 minutes away from Waspam before turning around to take her back to Waspam. They told me a couple little clues of how sick she was so we decided to take her. After Clint returned home that night he confirmed that the lady was diabetic and seemed to be in a coma. We praise the Lord that we were here to help when the time was needed. It was a very long day for all of us but especially for Clint with 3 trips to Waspam in one day.
We found out the next week that the doctors said the diabetic lady would have died within a few more hours had she not been brought to the hospital. Currently (2 weeks later) she is recovered and back with her family in Tasba Pain. Her family was very thankful.
I just returned from a trip to Lapan. It was around 230 miles, and due to some rain and a broken motorcycle chain, it took longer than expected. The last 15 miles into the village the road was very bad. Now here you never get over 20 to 30 miles an hour on the good road (in places passable only in 4x4). The bad road was even worse, driving in 1st and 2nd gear on the motorcycle, weaving around big rocks and fighting to keep the motorcycle upright for 1 ½ hours. I had to spend the night in Puerto Cabezas
because it was closer than going back home to Tronquera. I was on the motorcycle a total of 9 ½ hours, and I was tired out. The village was thrilled to hear about our medical evacuation services, and I staked out their runway with the help of a GPS. It is an old runway from 30 years ago, and shouldn't take too much work to clean. They said they are going to put 500 guys on it and finish it in a few days, they are anxious to have it usable.
The communities of San Carlos and Bismuna also are continuing to work on their runways. We are scheduling another inspection of San Carlos so please pray that it goes well.
Wishing you God's Blessings,
Clint and Marilyn
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Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
185 Harris Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620
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Wings Over Nicaragua Mission in Tronquera
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tronquera, Nicaragua, Central America
Wings Over Nicaragua Mission in Tronquera
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tronquera, Nicaragua, Central America