Dear Family and Friends,
This has been a busy month. The San Carlos runway was inspected for the
first time May 13. I flew an inspector from INAC (equivalent of the FAA)
to look over the runway. It was her first time to see bush runways, and
the first time to this side of the country. She was not use to the
standard conditions here (manure on the runway) and did not approve the
runway. It was the first time the runway had been used in almost 30
years. Pictures are on our web site. A new inspection was scheduled
June 18, and it still didn't pass. I will go back in a week or two again
to check it, this time by myself.
We have been running on verbal permissions only to operate the airplane
here in Nicaragua. We hit major road blocks and many thousands of
dollars to get the standard 6 months permission we requested. The cost
is close to $10,000. For the last 1 ½ months we have been praying about
this situation. A friend of ours runs a hotel in Waspam, 45 minutes
from here. He was helping me by translating and communicating with San
Carlos, since he use to live there. He had a delegation of government
personnel stay at his hotel while investigating economic aid to the
region, and they asked about projects in the area. He told them of my
airplane and the San Carlos runway. One of the officials (turns out he
is close to the president of the Nicaragua), gave him his card and told
him if there was any trouble to call him direct, and even gave his home
phone to my friend. A couple weeks later, my friend called him and
requested help with the airplane permissions. I went into Managua last
week and found with this officials name only (they never even called his
office), things happen quite quickly. Within 3 hours I had the
permissions and it cost me US$10.50 (ten dollars). It is truly amazing
to see how the Lord can lead. He can even touch the heart of officials
in this government who might not ordinarily be inclined to help
Americans. When we are facing seeming insurmountable obstacles, God
always has a path through them.
We received money this month from a donor to fix our church here in
Tronquera. We ordered paint last week that will come from Managua. The
church has never been painted. It will be a blessing to have a nice
church building.
Last week we received an urgent e-mail from some friends of ours, Jack
and Lyn Hall, who had broken down half way across the country in a 32
foot motorhome towing a full size truck on their way from California to
Puerto. Marilyn was up for the adventure, so she and the kids came
along. We drove 9 ½ hours over terrible roads, fording rivers, averaging
20 miles per hour. At least if your motorhome breaks down you have a
place to stay! Unfortunately, it was right on the busy rocky road, the
only one between Port of Cabezas and Managua. After 2 days of repairing,
we helped them on down the road. Ten miles later their truck hitch
broke. We left their truck with our watchman, and continued on the way
to Puerto with the motorhome. After a night on the road and 2 days
driving, we made it to Port. Marilyn and I spent a couple days there and
made that our monthly Port trip for buying all our groceries and
supplies. It was nice to get back home to Tronquera after such a long
trip! We were blessed to have a good truck to take to help them. It held
up nicely to the harsh conditions, and we were glad more than once for
our 4x4.
There are pictures of our latest new animal, a Pisote, and of the San
Carlos trip on our web site,
God bless
Clint and Marilyn Hanley
Tax deductible Donation information:
Wings Over Nicaragua Mission
185 Harris Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620
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Everything was moved and transported by hand, or in this case shoulder.
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