Dear Family,
It is early in the morning and the children are still asleep, so I thought I would drop you a quick note. Things are going well here. Last Sunday and Monday we worked at our new land in Tronquera. We were there on Sunday, then I went to town to do some Christmas shopping. I met the director of the government hospital who demanded our presence at a meeting on Monday. Since I needed to return to Waspam on Monday, I dropped off Clint at Tronquera to work another day. Clint figured out the amount of land that they "gave" us (they can not give any land away permanently, just lifetime lease). It is almost 160 acres. We found a place not too far away that has good soil for a garden and plantation. We won't be able to plant that right now because there is no one there to tend it. And when we arrive in April it will be the dry season so no planting then. Next June we will be able to plant.
Grandma says she mailed of CD's of pictures and video's to the rest of you so you should get them soon.
The puppies are growing fast but Princess still has them hidden under the porch.
It is raining again.
We put up our Christmas tree yesterday. Now we just need to decorate it. We will take pictures when we get it done. I need to make a few ornaments first. There is plenty of craft stuff here so that will not be a problem.
We made Christmas cookies the other day. They didn't turn out so good. I made a batch of blonde brownies to make up for the poor cookies. That seemed to settle everyone. Anyone have some good cookie recipes from scratch? No mixes down here. :)
Got to run and get Breakfast.
In May of 2004 the Hanley family of four accepted a call to work with the Miskito people of the NE corner of Nicaragua. They have their own mission in La Tronquera, Wings Over Nicaragua Mission. Marilyn and Clint have two small children, Brandel and Bethany. Follow their mission as they serve the Lord and the people of Nicaragua.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
quick update
Monday, December 12, 2005
Newsletter November
November 27, 2005
Dear Friends and Family,
What an exciting and busy couple of months. Here are a few recent highlights.
Clinic news
Boy with a fish bone caught in his throat recovered nicely after transporting him to the Hospital in Waspam.
Young girl delivered breech baby. Mother in good health but the baby did not make it. We are continuing to pray for this family.
Young girl delivered health baby boy with the help of prenatals at our clinic and supplies for the midwife delivering the baby.
Young girl delivered a healthy 11 lb little boy by cesarean after she developed pre-eclampsia and was transported by us to the Hospital in Waspam.
Numerous sick babies received antibiotics and recovered nicely.
Mission news
We have a new looking fence at the mission now. The current fence was woven with bamboo pieces to keep the pigs and children out and the dogs in. The added benefit is that it looks really nice.
Village news
We have been beset lately by a number of tropical storms in the ocean near us, resulting in more than normal rain. It has damaged the rice and cassava crops. Some people were still able to harvest but others are left with nothing for the next year.
There have been reports twice this last month that the President of Nicaragua was going to visit Francia Sirpi. Each time it was delayed. He is supposed to visit in December and the people are excited that he is coming.
Runway news
Clint has been working full time on the runway. He has it all cleared of brush and trees. Now that it is getting drier he will be able to burn the piles of brush. He has just started digging the topsoil out so that he can lay a foundation of gravel. It is slow because it is all done by hand.
Personal news
Brandel and Bethany are growing fast. They are both talking up a storm. Brandel is getting pretty good at phrases and concepts. Bethany is still at small phrases and single words. Bethany's longest phrase so far is "Mommy, Bethany need chips". They both like to sing the song Alleluia. They will go around singing it all the time. Brandel turned three in November complete with singing, balloons, presents and cake. It was a highlight for him.
Thank you for all your prayers and gifts. We are extremely blessed and protected by the Lord.
Marilyn, Clint, Brandel and Bethany
Mailing Address:
Clint & Marilyn Hanley
Tasba Raya Adventist Clinic (TRAC)
Colegio Adventista PorteƱo
Bo Peter Ferrera
Bilwi - RAAN, Puerto Cabezes
Donation Address:
Goldendale SDA Church
PO Box 71
Goldendale, WA 98620
Check Memo: South American Missions